How to stop drinking alone?

If you want to say goodbye to your addiction forever and are trying to figure out how to quit drinking, it's time to get to know yourself and find out what's causing the condition known as alcoholism. Because there was a consequence - often wanting to get drunk with strong or not too strong alcoholic beverages. It remains to find the cause and eliminate it.

Important:It is a mistake to think that alcoholism is inherent in human nature. This is a mistake. After all, if the desire to drink was in every person, then on Earth there wouldn't be a sane paid representative of us. But at the same time, many do not have any psychostimulants, and some are heavily addicted. What are the reasons, we will understand below.

Important Points When Quitting Alcohol

problems in the family when drinking how to stop drinking

If you're trying to figure out how to stop drinking on your own, you need to first understand some important facts that will help you overcome alcoholism and get out of it:

  • You should not be afraid of life without alcohol. For the most part, an alcoholic is not frightened by cravings for alcohol and alcoholic beverages, but by a change in his usual way of life. It is very possible that a person who is drinking but giving up the addiction simply cannot imagine life without alcohol. That means for him it will be empty and meaningless evenings. And what can we say about vacations, hiking in nature, meeting friends, etc. How could you not drink here, you would think. In this case, you need to put aside all fears and understand that all the days, minutes and seconds of your life can be successfully filled with bright colors without resorting to substances. psychological stimulation. And this is really easy to do.
  • Important:Be prepared for the fact that life without alcohol will not immediately return to normal. It can take a month or two before full recovery from alcoholism manifests. After all, the body needs time to rebuild. And the psyche will recover significantly and direct you to a new healthy path of discovery and acquaintance.

  • You will have to work on your own to learn how to enjoy life without alcohol. A lot of work, but quitting drinking for a year, two, and a lifetime is worth it.
  • Also remember that if you insist on telling yourself "I don't want to drink anymore" and are trying to save yourself, you will have to endure any psychological and physical discomfort that the world around you may have. can cause. Remember that a person who is not addicted to alcohol or drugs can be more easily and severely tolerant of all of life's troubles.
Nervous breakdown when quitting alcohol

An alcoholic has a more indulgent and capricious mentality, in need of constant protection in the form of alcohol. Be prepared to get yourself out of the troubles of life on your own. Otherwise, everything will fall apart, and alcohol withdrawal will be more difficult.

  • Get ready for the fact that at first you will want to return to your normal comfort state under the influence of drinking. They say that all fears and problems will go away if you drink a lot. Don't be fooled. It's just a habit that demands trivial physical gratification.
  • Also, if you're trying to find the answer to the question of how to quit drinking, stop lying to yourself. We're talking about inspiration, under the influence of your next decision "I won't use it and I don't feel like it anymore". As a rule, such impulses and promises come after another violent intoxication, where the patient has greatly "distinguished himself". As a result, the shame of a hangover turns into a desire to live a new life. But such adhesion will last only a few days, and then the promise will be forgotten and erased under the influence of a drink. Therefore, do not flatter yourself. Prepare yourself for a tough fight. Remember, quitting drinking is hard, but worth it.

Eliminate the causes of alcohol addiction

In order to get rid of alcoholism on your own and finally be able to say boldly "I don't drink at all", it is necessary to clearly identify the cause of the disease. In the material we will consider in detail those of them who often form a desire to get breasts. And here we look at important points designed to help alcoholics break free from alcoholism so that they never drink again.

Learn to relax soberly

socializing with loved ones as a way to quit drinking

The most common cause of addiction is the inability to relax. An exhausting working day, family quarrels, family grief, resentment and other life troubles cause some discomfort and psychological stress. And here alcohol acts as a lifesaver. But think about how important it is to relieve stress with strong drinks. Finally, you can relax with a massage. Communicating with your loved ones contributes to relaxation and stress reduction. You can also relax and relieve stress through sports or listening to your favorite music. By the way, music therapy is a great way to help you relax in any situation and understand how to get out of alcoholism. The main thing is to find your direction.

Important:Relaxation should not be understood as being drunk out of habit, but rather calm and clear-minded, free and confident, confident. Remember, relaxing with alcohol is wrong. This tactic is the path of least resistance chosen by the underdogs.

Advice:To master the science of healthy relaxation, you can read literature on relaxation techniques and meditation methods. The simplest way to relax in a healthy way is through sports. Actively go for a jog or brisk walk.

Introduction:If you are a pragmatist and you need a clear plan of action, then you can use an easy way to help yourself. Write goals down on paper and celebrate their achievements. These addiction-killing techniques are ideal for those who can't imagine their life without a plan. You can use step-by-step instructions on relaxation techniques. Mastering each item will greatly enhance you in your struggle for sanity.

Sports on the road to recovery

playing sports as a way to quit drinking

Lack of adequate physical activity is also one of the indirect causes of alcoholism. As you know, it is labor that turns man out of apes. That is, the load of the physical plane. And there is no such a person simply degenerate. Feel like a worthless alien on this planet. Saving with sport and physical activity will not want to drink. So, if you already have a "want to quit drinking" mindset and want to figure out how not to crash, direct your life in the direction of sports. Small start. Let it be for a walk in the early morning or evening at sunset. Go to the park and watch people play sports. They fit well, and from there they are confident. They are tired, but they are always smiling. Athletes are not in a bad mood, because sport stimulates the production of the hormone endorphin. And he is the coveted happiness hormone that saves misery and loneliness.

Important:If you've been drinking seriously and for a long time, then you shouldn't break the record right away. So you can put serious stress on your body. Start a little by listening to your body.

Avoid boredom

a man covers his face with his hands when refusing alcohol

Boredom is another common cause of alcoholism. The inability to capture free time often pushes people down the road to alcoholism. And if you do not know how to get out of a hangover exactly on this basis, then you will have to do your own research and find a new hobby for yourself. It won't be easy. More often than not, a person doesn't even realize what he or she is interested in. What I want to do. Here, it is worth remembering that what drew me to school. What attracted me the most in childhood. Maybe it's stars or planes stuck together. A fun hobby that takes hold of your life will quickly eliminate your drinking habit. And very quickly you'll be able to say to yourself "I don't drink. I quit drinking forever" and become an interesting person with a personal passion.

Advice:If you're a football fan, let this hobby turn into a game, not sitting in a pub with friends. Find a backyard soccer team that plays a few times a week and join them.

Insecurity and attachment

depression in a man who quit drinking

These feelings are also the cause of alcoholism. Often, insecure people feel abandoned, in some cases unrecognized. The point here is that one person cannot be liked by everyone. We are unique in our own way. And for each of us there will certainly be a friend and an admirer. Chances are somewhere very close there is someone who will love you precisely for your restraint and sweet silence. If you are struggling with confidence, you can seek help from a psychologist who will help you understand yourself.

Inner tension and anxiety

A lot of thoughts go through my head when I quit drinking

Feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and constant inner tension also often lead to drinking habits. What to do in this case? How to give up alcohol? Here it should be understood that constant internal stress works on the principle of a compressed spring. Sooner or later it will work in branchless mode and crash will happen. Therefore, you need to find a way to remove the noise inside. At the same time, you should not confuse distractions and stress with excessive energy. Chances are, something is bothering you subconsciously. Maybe it's the fear of the future, the possibility of financial ruin, the fear of losing a loved one. A professional psychologist will help you understand the causes of anxiety in more detail. On your own, you can learn healthy relaxation techniques and methods.

Important thing to remember

Drinking beer how to detox

After understanding all the possible causes of alcoholism and listening to yourself, you will definitely understand which causes are yours and you will begin to remedy the situation. Remember that if you don't find a reason, your efforts to stop drinking will be in vain. Sooner or later, you will return to your favorite way to deal with fear, boredom, lack of confidence or inner tension. Perhaps one addiction will simply be replaced by another, even worse one. Knowing that understanding the causes of alcoholism is an important path to recovery and to quitting alcohol for good. As a result, sobriety becomes your way of life and thinking.

Introduction:During recovery, don't think about protecting yourself from drinkers. This is completely unnecessary or allowed only during the most acute stages of recovery. On the other hand, the path to quit drinking is built on a complete change in lifestyle and thinking, namely an alcohol-free life. After all, you learn to relax and rest soberly in any situation and in any situation and in any company. Remember that you are a strong and healing person.